Updated: 468+ Additional Supporters (+40 Initial Signers)

JFPROR tinyurl

Note: This list will be periodically updated. *Indicates organizational endorsement. All other affiliations shown for identification only.

Additional discussion posted at: http://mondoweiss.net/2013/01/palestinian-right-return.html

Initial JFPROR statement: https://jfpror.wordpress.com/founding-statement/


Henry Lowi (IDF veteran)

Mark Berman, Playwright, signing as an individual.
In solidarity.

Devon Nola, political and social justice activist

*Medhat Abbas Bioinformatician, Activist and the Director of the (Egyptiske Kultur Senter I Norge)

Rhonda Lumley, Pensacola, self

Sharron Ward, London

Rosalie Riegle, Evanston, IL, 60201, USA, Neighbors for Peace

Naomi Isaacs, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Ms.
I have been hoping for the peaceful reintegration of all inhabitants of this area since 1967.

Mark Kilian, Alkmaar, Nederland, Internationale Socialisten Netherlands

Don Anderson, Lebanon, Oregon USA, Vietnam Veteran
In Solidarity with Palestinians and their right to have safe homes and neighborhoods, wherever they choose to live.

Amanda jOY Sidell, Chicago, IL USA

Mayyada, Toronto, ON, Canada

Roland Rance, London, Jews Against Zionism

Jed Brandt, Brooklyn, NY, Occupied Media

Sean Mohsin, Chicago, IL  USA

Belal Bahader, South Orange, NJ, USA, Writer, Activist- Seton Hall University
We need to break the knowledge barriers of the powerful Zionist movement that is brainwashing its sympathizers and what way is better than having Muslims, Jews, Christians and all other religious and political representatives stand up for the injustice that is clear to the people all over the world. Thank you for all who are organizing this, and may this result in a free and peaceful Palestine.

waldo mermelstein, sao paulo
The 65 years elapsed since the Partition of Palestine has meant the exclusion of the majority of the Palestinian population from their lands and homes and this right is the main issue for peace. By stating that we are in favor or their rights, the descendant of Jewish parents, be they religious or atheists as is my case, state before the world that the State of Israel does not act on our behalf. In my case it is also a renouncement to my “right of return” that the Zionists offer to me. For Israeli Jews this act is part of the struggle for their own freedom, because a people who oppresses another one cannot be free!

Veronica Golos, Taos, NM, USA, Poet

ada bilu, jerusalem

Terri Knoll, Tampa, FL USA, A Christian American
Having been raised in a Zionist mindset, I had always been disturbed about “chosen people”. With the impact of the internet now and being able to talk to Palestinian Christians and others living in the occupation, I realize Zionism is racist and genocide. I stand with all people in Palestine that want to live together in harmony. As an American taxpayer, I am active in voicing my opinion about funding Israel’s military with my taxes. I totally support the right of return.


Bilal Billy Gibbons, London UK

Brittney Little, Toms River, New Jersey, United States of America, Students for Liberty

Al Kovnat, Bensalem, Pa, USA, Vietnam Vets Againts the War OSS, and Veterans for Peace

Nicholas Jewitt, Bangor, Wales, UK, Quaker

Ahndrea, Chicago, SJP, Free Palestine!

Dr Nasir Khan, Oslo, Dr, historian, peace  activist

Lee Jenkins, Sterling, VA, USA, Deputy General Counsel with Howard University,
We must have a resolution.  Two states, existing equally.  Both need security.

Rick Burgess, Anglesey, Bangor & Ynys Mon Peace and Justice Group

Ramsey Judah, Los Angeles, CA, Activist and Immigration Rights Attorney

Marian Larsen, Odense, Denmark, Retired

Mark Klein, Toronto, Canada

Renen, Tel Aviv, Boycott from within

Barry Trachtenberg, Albany, NY United States, Historian


Nadine Brennan, Santa Cruz, CA, U.S.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

Susie Kneedler, USA
As Jews of conscience, we call on all supporters of social justice to stand up for Palestinian Right of Return and a democratic state throughout historic Palestine “ ‘From the River to the Sea’ ” with equal rights for all.”  Thank you from one who is not Jewish or religious, but has faith in humanity.

Audrey Bomse, USA, National Lawyers Guild, Free Gaza

Sally Hinshaw, Columbus, OH United States, none

Alex Kane, Brooklyn, New York, Assistant Editor, Mondoweiss.net and World editor, AlterNet

Hilton Obenzinger, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Dr. HO, author
No matter what compromise in political terms is negotiated, this right is inviolate. The refugees should have all returned soon after the 1948 war.

John A Imani, Los Angeles, CA

Alan Stolzer

Shaul Hanuka, Mitzpe Ramon, Musician

Ronnie Barkan, Tel-Aviv, Boycott from Within, Equality or nothing.

Dagmar Noble, Weston – super-Mare, Avon, United Kingdoms
I fully support the Palestinian fight for justice, right to return, and end of illegal building by Israeli ‘settlers’ in the occupied territories. The blockade of Gaza must end. Borders to be pre 1967, at least. End all destruction of wells and lands belonging to the Palestinians in the West Bank.

Brooke Lober, Tucson, AZ, PhD Student, Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Arizona

najah rammouni, dearborn heights Mi.

Elifelet Sara Der Barambdiker, Jerusalem, Israels.

Aida, no organizational endorsement implied

Katherine Salahi, Oxford

Estee Chandler, Los Angeles, Founding Member, Jewish Voice for Peace, Los Angelels Chapter

Dalit Baum, Israeli feminist teacher and activist

Hannah, London

Richard Marcuse, West Vancouver, BC, Canada, Independent Jewish Voices

Julien Ball, San Francisco, CA, International Socialist Organization

Sylvia Schwarz, saint paul, MN, USA, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Bekah Wolf, activist, Co-Founder, Palestine Solidarity Project

Stephen Shenfield, Providence, RI, USA, researcher and translator

Robert A. H. Cohen, Kendal, Cumbria, UK, Micah’s Paradigm Shift

albert meyer, gainesville, Fl., US

Tibby Brooks, New York, NY

Pucci Dellanno, Porterville, CA, Public speaker, music manager

Tony Iltis, Melbourne, Australia, wtiter & activist, Green Left Weekly

Dan Kaplan, Berkeley, CA, USA, Executive Secretary, AFT Local 1493, the San Mateo, CA Community College Federation of Teachers

Rebecca Hom, USA, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network,

Haroon Munir, Watford UK
From a British citizen, I fully back the right of all refugees to rightful return to homeland and place of birth, and to end all occupation and free borders.

Joe Salameh, Brentwood, CA, USA, None

john banks, Las Vegas, NV USA
This is an excellent project. The Palestinians have been deprived of their rights for so long now. It is time for change and he right to return and seek compensation for all the wrongs that have been inflicted on the Palestinians.

Ellen Shatter, Providence, RI, USA

Errol Young, Toronto

Kathy Felgran, Watertown, MA, USA, human being
As members of the family of humanity, we must speak out for justice for all people.  We must put the concept of “chosen people” out of our minds and out of our hearts and follow the golden rule.

Kamran Ghasri, Israel Divestment Campaign http://israeldivestmentcampaign.org/ – CA Green Party

Amy Helfant, activist and worker

Terry Weber, New York, NY USA

Stuart Cryer, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, retired professor and video activist
I am a Canadian Jew who believes in sovereignty and justice for all – especially the people of Palestine and the First Nations of Canada … idlenomore !

Kostas Kounenidakis, Athens, Greece

Rogers Turrentine, Encinitas, CA, USA, WGAwest

Caroline Picker, Phoenix


Ron Strand, Vancouver, Canada, Mister

Daniella Liebling, Brooklyn, NY

sparrow, Berkeley, CA,USA, Lawyer/Labor Union Delegate; Industrial Workers of the World; ISM-NorCal

Sam Simpson, Cork, Ireland

Freda Guttman, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Tadamon!

Pauline Pan, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Toronto Students for Justice in Palestine

Nicole Gevirtz, Voorhees, NJ
From the river to the motherfuckin sea, bitches! L’chaim intifada!

Alice Diane Kisch, Emerryville, CA, USA, Jewish Voice for Peace

Liz Roberts, Brooklyn, NY, U.S., War Resisters League

Lilian Wehbe, Marxist; anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist. Pro-Justice, Pro-Palestine Activist.

Jeremy Levinger, St. Paul, MN, U.S.A., Student at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jeremy Appel, Toronto, ON, SAIA York

yahya nana, “enasia, south africa
When will the Zionist realise that all opression must come to an end. Good allways prevail over evil.

Elise Hendrick, Cincinnati, OH, US, http://meldungen-aus-dem-exil.noblogs.org,

Rebeca Dawson, houston TX 77024, M. D.

Alex Lubin, Beirut, Lebanon, Professor, American University of Beirut

David Howard, Ojai, California

Vincent Calvetti-Wolf, Oakland, CA, TESC Divest!

Ismaeel Abdur-Rasheed, New York, NY, USA, Vietnam Era Veteran

sydda essop, cape town, sydda essop
Thank you for starting this organisation and thank you for believing in Human Rights!

Leora Harris, Brooklyn, NY, USA

ramzy elian

Muna Assaf, Palestine – Ramallah

MARIA VITTORIA, italyi’m with you love all palestina

Deborah Agre, Berkeley, CA, USA, Middle East Children’s Alliance
We cannot undo the crimes of the past but we can do some things to restore and revive justice.

Cecily Michaels, Blaxland, NSW, Australia

Martin Hijmans, Amsterdam, journalist & blogger

Cristina López Ortiz, Barcelona, Spain

Michael Levin, Chicago, IL, USA, Musician

Asaf Kedar, Zochrot

Meredith Pass, Louisville, Kentucky, 40204
I believe that the Palestinians have every right to be treated with equality and dignity.

Israr khan, UK, Dr

Sara Saba, Esq., Princeton, NJ 08540, Attorney and Human Rights Activist

Mannie De Saxe, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, Lesbian & Gay Solidarity, Melbourne
If Jews have an automatic “right of return” to parts of Palestine now called Israel, how much more right of return should Palestinians have who were expelled so that the “new” Palestinians, calling themselves Israelis should have “lebensraum” as the Germans would have said.


Gail Miller, New York, NY, US, Passenger, U. S. Boat to Gaza – The Audacity of Hope

Amy Druker, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Meg, Manahatta, NY, Dowager

Peter Rachleff, Saint Paul, MN, US, Professor of History, Macalester College

Susan, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Jews for a Just Peace, Susan

Howard Lenow, Sudbury, MA, USA, Union Attorney, Founder American Jews For A Just Peace

Councillor Jonathan Bloch, London England, Councillor

Francine Dumas, Gatineau, Québec, CanadaFree Palestine! Vive la Palestine libre!

Christiane Schomblond, Brussels, Belgium, professor retired from University of Brussels

Abby Lippman, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Professor Emerita, McGill University

Annika Ohlson, Bjärred, Sweden, teacher

Unni Evang, Norway

Judith Norman, San Antonio, TX  USA

mika laiho, pori, finland, ex-peacekeeper, UNIFIL, UNPROFOR, IFOR

Allen Greenberg, New York, NY, USA

Maarten Muskens, Germany, memeber of PK Netherlands

Efa Wulle, Wales, Ms
I thank this Jewish initiative, showing that the Israelic state is wrong to equate Judaism with Zionism

Ben Collins, London, International HIV Partnerships

Steven Flowers, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Change Agent Chicago Cuba Coalition

Salem Mikdadi, China
As a Palestinian American it is very heartwarming to read this declaration. It gives a glimpse of hope for those unfortunate stateless people languishing in refugee camps for 4 generations.

helaine meisler, JewsSayNo!, Middle East Crisis Response

Dr. Terri Ginsberg, New York, NY, USA, film scholar; Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism

*Comite de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino, Ica, Peru, Comite de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino, Por PAZ, JUSTICIA, LIBERTAD y DERECHO AL RETORNO.

Marilyn Hacker, Paris, France, poet, translator and editor,

Helen Holt ZUCKERMAN, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Racheli Gai, Tucson, Arizona, United States, Tucson Women in Black, Jewish Voice for Peace
This is an essential part of any serious effort to reach a lasting just peace.

Rima Berns-McGown, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Writer and Adjunct Faculty, University of Toronto at Mississauga
The only Judaic solution — one that allows Jews to live according to their own religious imperatives — is one state with equal rights for all, and that enshrines the rights of Palestinians to return to their land.

Arifa Goodman, San Cristobal, NM USA
Zionism is inherently undemocratic and acts to undermine the overarching truth: that we are all one people with the essential right to live on this beautiful earth in peace, freedom, safety and happiness. The artificial division of peoples into races, ethnicities, nationalities and religious affiliations is the single most egregious source of suffering in the world. Thank you for boldly standing up to redress this horrific error called Zionism.

Ed, Jax, Fl U.S.

MIchael V. Hugo, Mundelein, Illinois USA, Youth and Young Adult Minister, Clinical Social Worker
I am heartened by the many Jews who have signed onto this document. Though not Jewish I am married to a Jew for over 30 years and I know that the Zionist philosophy and its practice has little to do with the practice of Judaism as espoused in Sacred Scripture and lived out by Jews for centuries.

Philip Englehard, Macclesfield, United Kingdom, Citizen of the UK,

Jean R. Goldman, Miami Beach,FL, United States of America, Women in Black,

Rachel Lea, student

Sterling Rand, Eugene OR USA

Ned Rosch

silvio augusto de carvalho, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Professor

Pier Luigi Barberini, Civitella S: Paolo IT

Samantha Wischnia, New York, NY, NYU SJP

Kamal Hassan, Grants Pass, Oregon,USA
I will never give up my right to return to my home land Palestine, Haifa home town.

*cy & lois swartz, Philadelphia Pa, Grandparents for Peace in the Middle East

Robby Martin, Dublin Ireland

*Janet Klecker, Sonoma, CA, USA, Sonoma Valley Peace & Justice
Our group is committed to Peace and Justice cooperating with Muslim, Jewish, Christian and non-religious believers to bring about awareness and activism regarding the Palestinian/Israeli situation.

Rebecca Anshell Song, Redmond, WA, USA

Bill Risebero, London, PSC member and Friend of Alrowwad UK

Eric Carwardine, Thornlie, Western Australia
To see both the Right of Return and the single-state concept combined in the same policy is truly inspiring.

Ramy Abdeljabbar, Paterson, NJ. USA

Roger Tucker, Eronga, Michoacan, Mexico, Publisher, One Democratic State

Maxine Fookson, Portland, Oregon, Jewish Voice for Peace
“As a nurse on a medical delegation, I travelled to Gaza twice last year.  I am horrified, as a health provider, as a human being and as a Jew at the brutality of the Israeli occupation.  I am honored to join with others in signing this statement supporting justice for Palestine. ”

brenda barnard, brighton UK

Brenda Lewis, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Activist, child of Holocaust survivor

Mirna Miranda, LaPorte, CO USA, U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation
In solidarity until liberation, justice and peace for Palestine!

Craig Fulton, England

Jennifer Selwyn

Steve Kowit, San Diego, California, USA, American poet. Professor emeritus, Southwestern College
A “Jewish state” is as malignant a concept as an “Aryan state.” The entirety of the Palestinian homeland was stolen: all of it belongs to the Palestinian people. Justice and peace require the right of return of the dispossessed Palestinians and their heirs as full and immediate citizens of the state, with due compensation paid by the current illegitimate state and by the complicit United Sates. Until then a total boycott of the colonialist state of Israel (all of it is occupied Palestinian territory) by the nations of the world, the real international community.

Bette Jones, Oxford, Oxfrordshire, UK, Ms. (signatory of JfJfP, and member of Network of Oxford Women (NOW) for Jusatice & Peace).

Michael Richter, München, Deutschland

Francisco Caballos, Seville, Spain/SefaradAlAndalus, Rojo

*Reverend Andy Hird, santa fe, Awaken To Humanity, ITS THE HUMAN WAY.

Eamon Bradley, Derry

Steve Goldfield, Ph.D., Oakland, CA, USA, Former chair, Palestine Solidarity Committee, former editor, Palestine Focus, author, activist
I like the statement. However, I would add that political Zionism is also racist against Jews since it embodies the anti-Semitic view that Jews do not belong in the countries of their birth.

Naomi Binder Wall, Torontom, Ontario, Canada

Matthew Taylor, Berkeley, CA, USA, founding member, Young Jewish and Proud group within Jewish Voice for Peace

David Moshman, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, Professor of educational psychology and intellectual freedom blogger
I am Jewish under Israeli law and thus Israel recognizes my “right of return” (but not that of Palestinians) even though neither I nor any of my parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents has ever lived there.  This is morally absurd.

Martha H. Katz, Youngstown, Ohio USA

*Adrienne Weller, Seattle, WA, USA, Freedom Socialist Party
The Freedom Socialist Party was cofounded by Clara Fraser, a socialist feminist Jew, and we have always worked for Palestinian rights. Israel misrepresents itself as speaking for all Jews, and appropriates the Holocaust to excuse its crimes. As a US Jew I feel a responsibility to speak out against US funding and support that permits Israel to continue to murder Palestinians and to endanger its Arab and Jewish residents.

Henry Norr, Berkeley

Shey, San Diego, SDSU

Patrick Jay, Colorado Springs, Occupy Colorado Springs

Elizabeth Block, Toronto, ON, Canada, Independent Jewish Voices

Captain Wajkih Asi, Los Angeles,California,USA
“We are visitors on this EARTH we call home for our life span of 60 to 80 years and hopefully we leave it in peace as we depart. Why can’t we enjoy it and leave it intact to our children to enjoy and take care of as we did !
I strongly believe that your religion is a contract between you and your creator if you believe in one, but HOME/EARTH is for all of us to share peacefully.

Irena Klepfisz, Dr.

Linda Rogers, Llangoed, Ynys Mon, Wales, Bangor and Ynys Mon Peace and Justice Group

Ian Cuthbertson, UK

Robert Krikourian

Savdah manjra, Toronto, Ms.

Peter Reid, Abbotsford, BC, Canada, humanitarian

Alicia Fdez Gómez, Asturias

*Soraya Boyd, London, England, Great Britain, Organization: Facilitate Global
Having been brutally displaced and dispossessed since the creation of Israel, all refugee and diaspora Palestinians must be able to return to their homeland, in all of historic Palestine if they so choose. The Right of Return to their indigenous land is to be and must be seen to be exercised by all Palestinians. Each and every Palestinian is entitled to decide whether he or she wishes to exercise That Right. The right to exercise That Right is not a privilege.

Stephen Kerpen, Individual

arthur leahy, Ireland

David Ehrens, Dartmouth, MA, USA

Elsie Dean, Burnaby, BC Canada, Women Elders in Action WE*ACT Society   We need to stand together for peace and justice for all peoples.


Carl Freeman, France

Jennifer Grossbard

Helga Mankovitz, Kingston, ON, Canada, Independent Jewish Voices

Margot Salom, Brisbane Australia, Just Peace for Palestine, Something I can do.


Dietrich Heißenbüttel, Esslingen, Germany

Cheyl A. Rubenberg, Boca Raton, FL USA, Professor (retired)

Rachel Lederman, San Francisco, CA, USA, attorney

Stewart Robinson, Cleve Hts., Ohio, USA

Daniel Carnie, Los Angeles
I am part of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at UCLA.

Harry Feldman, Blogger

Peter Sporn, Oak Park, Illinois, USA, Arab Jewish Partnership for Peace and Justice in the Middle East

Grahame Perkins, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Deutschland
Everybody has a right to their own homeland and that right can not be stolen from them . How can Israel expect Palestinians to respect their ( Israeli ) rights when they do not respect Palestinian rights.

milagros Ahmad, clermont

Tamar Yaron, Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel, founder & moderator: Encounter-EMEM for international Israel-Palestine peace activities – groups.yahoo.com/group/Encounter-EMEM

Peter Purich, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Barry Weisleder, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, federal secretary, Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste, Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste

pim wiersinga, Rotterdam NLmale, 58

Michael mc allister, Belfast , Ireland, Founder of Ché scholarship. Bethlehem university

Sid Shniad, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Member national steering committee, Independent Jewish Voices Canada

Marlene Newesri, New York City, Justice Activist
While I define myself strictly as a spiritual human being and not guided by any religion, if I lived during the Nazi era, I would have lost all my rights and eventually been put on a train because I would have met the criteria of who was defined as a Jew.  However, according to Israel’s definition of who is defined as a Jew,I am entitled to privileged rights so I can be part of the oppressors,, and throw the Palestinians under a bus while robbing them of all their just rights simply because they do not meet the same criteria.  These hideous ideologies are two sides of the same coin and should be totally rejected by anyone who claims to have any ethics. May the Palestinians return home soom to what is rightfully theirs,  and I hope that I can rejoice with them on that beautiful day.  Long Live Palestine!

margaret o’bryan, Australia

Elfriede Krutsch, 13503 Berlin – Germany

Noa Shaindlinger, Toronto, CanadaPhD candidate, Department of Near and Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto

Susan Kadray, London, Ontario, Canada

Gabriel M Schivone, Tucson, ad hoc steering committee member, National Students for Justice in Palestine

Nora Barrows-Friedman, Oakland, Journalist

Jonathan Cohen, College Park

Cathy Gulkin, Toronto, ON, Canada, Independent Jewish Voices, Queers Against Israeli Apartheid

Gary Fields, San Diego, Associate Professor, University of California, San Diego

Harris Kornstein, San Francisco, CA, US, Graduate Student, UC Santa Cruz

Ray Bergmann, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, Palestinian and Jewish Unity

daniel marlin

zachary klein, boston, ma. Usa, Author

Ruth Bader, Australia, German-Jewish/Australian, daughter of Holocaust survivors

Marta Szedlak, Australia

Boris Ran, Dallas, TX

William Bailey, Kaneohe HI USA

Beverly Stuart, Seattle, WA, USA

Marcus Christain Hansen, Alstead, NH, USA, Citizen

Martha Roth, Vancouver BC, Canada, Independent Jewish Voices
What is so hard to understand about the R 2 R? Yet I find myself explaining again and again to well-meaning propaganda victims that it is a an absolute necessity before any settlement can be reached…

Sophia Ponders, los angeles, Interfaith worker

Jeff Warner, La Habra Heights, CA, USA

Kim Klausner, San Francisco, CA USA

ismail Hammad, fairfield-Ca-usa 94534

Mr. Blair M. Phillips, St. Catharines, Ont., Canada
Reading the 2007 “Primer” by Phyllis Bennis entitled, “Understanding the Palestinian-Israel Conflict” helped me a lot in understanding what was happening. Then I read Dr. Norman Finkelsteins 2000 book, “The Holocaust Industry” and was sad for Jews and dissappointed with Zionists.

Kathy Lessuck, Providence, RI, US

Eugene Marner, Franklin, NY

Ralph Schoenman, Vallejo, CA. USA, Author: Hidden History of Zionism and other works

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Postdoctoral Fellow in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mya Shone, Vallejo, CA USA, Author: Hidden History of Zionism and other works Zionism and other works

Judith Weisman, Toronto, On., Canada, Independent Jewish Voices, Not in Our Name

Ur Shlonsky, Geneva, Switzerland

Karen, Illinois

Marc Etlin, New York, NY, USA

Stephen Aberle, Vancouver, BC Canada, Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)

Lillian Laskin, Los Angeles, Organization, LA  Jews for Peace

Jean Day, Seattle  WA   USA

*Jamal Daoud, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Organization, Viva Palestina Australia

Nada Elia, Seattle WA, Professor, Antioch University

medea benjamin, Washington DC, codirector, codepink

Marty Goodman, New York, New York, Former Executive Board member of the Transnport Workers Union Local 100

Stuart Ward, Bangkok, Thailand, Chairperson, Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) Thailand

Tony Nicholas, Sydney, Australia

Joshua Beth

Peter Lippman, USA

Dan Read, Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK.
The Jewish state in its current form is an unacceptable impediment to the full enjoyment and safeguarding of universal human rights. So long as it continues to exist in its currently militaristic, prejudiced, and zionist form the cause of all freedom loving peoples is eroded.

*roger dittmann, United States, Organization, CSU, Fullerton, Scientists without borders
Respect for the rule of law is a foundation of peace, justice, and civilization itself.

Neta Golan, Palestinian Territories, ISM

Terry Greenberg, Vancouver, Canada
The Zionist notion that the so-called “Bnei Menasche”, recently-converted Mizo tribespeople, whose ancestors were recently headhunters on the India-Burma border, should have a right to settle anywhere in Israel/Palestine and that Palestinian do not have this right is so ludicrous it makes you want to cry for what the Jewish people have become.

Sharon Goldberg, Surrey, BC Canada, Community activist

Johan Viljoen, South Africa

enzo apicella, london u.k., FCSD/ cartoonist

Jeffrey, California
As a Jew  I saw my people blame the German people of knowing of the camps ,but doing nothing, We jews can no longer look the other way, Never gain applies to the Palestinians, do the right thing,  one state is the only way

*LA Jews for Peace, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Fanny-Michaela Reisin, Berlin, Germany, Jewish Voice for a Just Peace – EJJP Germany

Angelika Schneider, Lilienthal, Germany, German Branch Fellowship of  Reconciliation

Benji de Levie, NetherlandsNed.PalestinaKomitee, docP, St Nederland-Gaza, St Palestina, PalestinaKomRotterdam

Nancy J. Bell, Rossville, GA, United States Student Ambassador for Peace to Israel (1978)
The harm that has been done to the Palestinian people since 1948 can never be undone but there is hope that the future of the Palestinian people be returned for the sake of their children and continuance as a people, a culture, a history and a nation. Citizens of the United States would never allow this treatment of its own citizens and should not be willing to allow it for the Palestinians. The most recent attacks on Gaza are nothing short than another step toward an attempted genocide and should NOT be supported or condoned by free peoples of the world.

Lamia Abbas, Atlanta

Shir Hever, Goettingen, Germany, AIC

Mical Nelken, London, student

John O’Brien, Sydney, Australia, Dr

si neumann, Cairo- Egyptartist

Kaj Ohrnberg, Helsinki, Finland, historian

sue goldstein, Toronto, Canada, Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP)

Paula McPheeters

Larry Zweig, Fürth, Germany, Solidarität International e.V. Germany
“ב””ה Zionism, like so many other Blind-Nationalist ideas is automatically racist. What makes it different for me, as a Jew, is that it is anti-semetic. People before Profits. Prophets before Profits.

Ursula Peters, Germany

Glenn Shelton, Detroit, Southeast Michigan Jobs with Justice

Samuel Farber, New York Cirty, Author

Neil Gordon, Paris, France, Author

Liron Mor, United States, cornell Students for Justice in Palestine

Frances Bernstein, Leeds

Jennifer Loewenstein, Madison, WI, Faculty & Programming Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The right to return shouldn’t even be up for discussion. It’s enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Israel – among many other states – is a signatory (1948). That we should have to demand this 65 years after the fact shows us how little weight international law and institutions have in the face of rogue states, the leaders of which are the United States and Israel.

Molly Lidz, Philadelphia, PAlabor organizer and fellow, JOIN for Justice

Professor Jonathan Rosenhead, LondonChair, British Committee for the Universities of Palestine

Deena Stryker, Philadelphia, PA, USA, www.otherjones.com

Mark Lickerman, Chicago Il  US Amr.
It is the just, moral and Jewish thing to do!

Neil Mulholland, Ireland

Marie Mouradi, East Greenwich, RI, USA

Adah Kay

Roberta Olimpi

Warren Keller, Clearwater, FL, USA

Diego Siragusa, Biella  (Italy), witer, author of the book “Il terrorismo impunito”, Zambon editore

Ghada Karmi, London, UK Research Fellow., University of Exeter, UK
An excellent statement which gets at the heart of the Palestinian cause. All people of conscience must sign it.

Steve Terry, Brooklyn, NY Criminal defense attorney

Abe Hayeem, United Kingdom, Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine

Sarah Ducker, Leeds, W Yorkshire, England

Alexander R. DeSantiago, Stockton, CA., USA

Peter Roth, Stockholm, Sweden

David Comedi, Tucumán, Argentina

Marian Feinberg, Bronx, NYRetired health care worker

Margaret Leicester, Albuquerque

Benjamin Baker, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Doctoral candidate, University of Pennsylvania

paul bouwmeester, Elgin, Illinois, USA

Annette Herskovits, Berkeley, California, USA
Holocaust survivor, writer, and activist

Elena Cal, Brussels

maria cal

Sallye Steiner Bowyer

Mohammed Jaradat, Torrance,California , USA
Anti-Zionists, It’s time for the Jewish people to stand up against their government , and allow Palestinians to live in peace and harmony in two states ( Palestine and Israel ).

Cynthia Franklin, Honolulu, HI 96816, Professor of English, Univ. of Hawaii

Melanie Lazarow, Australia, Librarian, University of Melbourne
I have learned over time of the dispossession and plight of the Palestinian people so different from the myth I was taught. My solidarity.

Katherine M Metres, Silver Spring, MD, USA, writer entrepreneur

Despite everything, the Palestinians continue to inspire me with their tenacity, resilience, good humor, and capacity for love across boundaries.

Kevin Ovenden, London, Britain, Palestine solidarity activist and member of theRespect Party
Dear friends
Congratulations on a superb initiative. I cannot sign this as a Jew, as I am not. But I wish to register my endorsement of your efforts and I am also circulating this to the relevant colleagues and friends who will wish to sign it directly. Well done – forwards to peace and justice, without which there can be no peace. Kevin Ovenden

Katrina Mayer, leeds, uk, jewish socialist & anti-zionist

Alexei Folger, San Francisco, CA USA, Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area

Cindy Newman, Los Angeles, California USA

Adam Levenstein

Shaban Mahamoud El -Hellou, gaza, Palestine, Palestinian
we need our land back to us ….we have the right of return …..one day we will be back to our homeland …..sooner or later, we are back again

*Suzanne Weiss, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Organization, Not In Our Name (NION)
Jews Opposing Zionism, Not In Our Name – NION – Jews Opposing Zionism stands against Israeli apartheid; for the right of Palestinians to return to their homelands; Equal rights for Palestinians in Israel; Against the occupation of Arab lands including tearing down the spearation wall and freeing Palestinian political prisoners; Support to Palestinian Civil Society Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights.

Mehraz Shahabi, Bristol, UK,
There would be no just resolution and lasting peace in the Middle East without the recognition of the Palestinians right of return.

Susan Pashkoff, London, Great Britain, Dr

Steve Quester, Brooklyn, NY, USA teacher

jake javanshir, toronto Canada

Marsha Steinberg, United States, BDS LA for Justice  in Palestine
It is racist to conflate Israel with Jews. My Bubbie raise me that way.

Laura Tillem, Wichita

Leah Levane, London, member of Jews for Justice for Palestinians
This is an excellent initiative..te right of return is fundamental and has been recognised as such in UN resolutions.  It seems to express somehow a very direct recognition of Palestinians’ rights and so is really an action of solidarity. The fear that there cannot then be a Jewish State if Palestinians are of similar or greater numbers highlights for me the inherent racism in any State that declares it is ‘for’ any specific group of people, whether that group is Christian, Muslm, Jewish, Black or White….it cannot be a democratic entity, perhaps at the very best benign second class citizenship for those who are ‘the others’ – so I oppose any states that are for one type of people.  It is also, of course,  a particular injustice here in that the Palestinians were already living there. I would also oppose a Palestinian state that excluded or discrimainated against Jewish people as well, but of course this is Jewish people living as equal citizens and not as colonisers, land and resource grabbers and all the ghastly machinations in place to support that enterprise.

*US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI)

Ezyño Ezygual Quemasda, Madrid Spain

*Labor for Palestine

*New York City Labor Against the War

Rosa Kurshan-Emmer, Oakland, California, USA, public school teacher

Added 12 January 2013:

Keith Fine, Birmingham, Alabama

Sandra Ruch, Toronto

willi uebelherr, halle/westfalen, germany, supporter of local technical infrastructure

Samira Khoury, Lebanon


Alison Weir, USA, executive director, If Americans Knew

Marlena Santoyo, Philadelphia, Jewish Quaker, Germantown Friends Meeting

B. Ross Ashley, Toronto, ON, Canada, Treasurer, St Paul’s NDP; steering commmittee member, NDP Socialist Caucus; cupporter of teh reproclaimed Fourth International, Not Jewish myself, but a political disciple of Marx, Luxemburg, Trotsky, and Lambert.

Johan A. van der Merwe, George, West Cape, South Africa, Rev. [retired minister of Dutch Reformed Church, South Africa]

Samar Yunis, Florida, USA

Abba A. Solomon, Seattle, Washington, USA, Author of THE SPEECH, AND ITS CONTEXT: Jacob Blaustein’s Speech The Meaning of Palestine Partition to American Jews Given to the Baltimore Chapter, American Jewish Committee, February 15, 1948

Hayley Newman

Cristina López Ortiz, Barcelona, Spain

Kieran Kelly, Aotearoa

Sean Mulligan, Alpharetta, GA, USA

maria cal, vigo-españa

Abraham Melzer, Neu Isenburg, Germany, Publisher and Journalist

Rita Appleby, Grays, Essex, UKs, It is only right and just that Palestinians should be given back their land within the 1967 borders.  Until this takes place I can see no hope of any peace between Israel and Palestine.  Israel is continually flouting International Law by continuing to build on Palestinian lands and thus forcing Palestinians to become refugees in their own country.

Gerald Rozner, Monroe, Mi, USA

Marijke Merel, Utrecht – Netherlands

Zohar Chamberlain Regev, Dúrcal, Granada, Spain

Clint Le Bruyns, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, Dr; Director & Senior Lecturer of Theology & Development Programme, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Chuck Scurich, Oakland, CA, United States

Benjamin Silverman, New Jersey, USA, Student, writer

Karim, Woodbury Mn USA

William Leavy, I am not Jewish, but I stand with this statement.

shane, grass valley,ca USA, thanks for speaking out !

Anouche Sherman, London, UK

Jenny Kastner, Cambridge, MA, USA

Dick Reilly, Chicago Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism.

Chloe Meltzer

Scott Linder, Fremont, California, United States, Activist

Richard Forer, Trenton, NJ, USA, Author: Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion – A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Ralph Schoenman, Vallejo, CA USA, author, The Hidden History of Zionism and other works

Mya Shonehone, Vallejo, CA USA, author, The Hidden History of Zionism and other works

Julius Fisher, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Abraham Schultz,  Mexico City, Doctor, I wish you a lot of luck!


Maxime Touzel, Sept-Iles, Quebec, Canada., Human Rights for all

Vaneide, São Paulo – Brazil, Vaneide Olmo

Ahmed Azeddine, Frederiksberg, Denmark, Retired Danish didactic engineering specialist, Teknologist Institut

Elena Klaver, Niwot, CO, It is unjustified and  immoral that I, who have no ties whatsoever to that area, could have a right to return, when people whose immediate family is from there do not have that right.  This is an injustice that might be corrected, and those who have that right should refrain from exercising it until the true indigenous peoples of Palestine can return to their homeland.

Daniel LEVYNE, France, UJFP

Nathan Goldbaum, Chicago, IL US, ISO, Caucus of Rank-and-file Educators, Chicago Teachers Union

Dominique Ventre, Bagnolet, France, French Jewish Union for Peace; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network France

Barbara Thiessen, Kansas City

GUMPEL  GEORGES, GEORGES; France, Membre de l’Union Juive Française pour  la Paix

Dennis Brasky, Millburn, NJ 07041, Profesor – Political Science – Rutgers University

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, London, UK, Founder member, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods




Amanda Sebestyen, London, UK, IJAN UK, JfJfP, JBIG, IJV

Devra Wiseman

Michael Sackin, Leicester, UK, The population explosion of Palestinians and Jews, but especially Palestinians, since 1948 is no excuse to deny Palestinians their right to return.   In fact most Jews deemed it impractical right from the outset.

Riva Joffe, London, U K, Jews Against Zionism

Ben Young, London, UK, The only right and just solution.

Seymour Alexander, Slough, UK, JFJFP

Leslie Safran, London UK

Pam Laurance, LONDON

MLJ, East lansing.

vittorio caroselli, palermo, italy, blogger

Bec Hynek, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Bec Hynek – Socialist Alternative, As a Jewish Anti-Zionist i am increasingly disgusted with the state that claims to stand for all things Jewish. While carrying out ethnic cleansing and colonisation in an Apartheid state, Israel claims to speak for us. This great statement in support of the right of return is important in standing up and saying ‘not in our name’ and ‘never again’.

pat hewett, United States, activist, friends of sabeel

Judith Pecho, Corrales, NM  USA, Peace Activist   R.N. Educator, Stop US support to Israel, no taxes that endorse approval of destruction of men, women and children, their homes and their infrastructure.

Israel must find new leaders, and returns stolen property to Palestinians.

Rick Staggenborg, MD, Coos Bay, Board President, Take Back America for the People

Chuck Scurich, Oakland, CA, United States

Mark Elf, London, UK, Jews sans frontieres

Ellen McGovern, Buderim, QLD, Australia

Dana, Brooklyn,NY, USA

Yossi Schwartz, Haifa Israel, Organization, Internationalist Socialist League, Dear friends

It is a good initiative..It is important that as many anti Zionist Jews will sign the petition.

While have some reservations about some of the formulas you used, that reflect some illusions in the UN, for example, we have no reason not to sign as the overall position  is good , serves  the return of the Palestinian  refugees and to counter act  the Zionist propaganda. In our opinion , the only solution is a socialist revolution by the   Arab working class revolution at the head  of the peasants and poor . We are sure  that the Palestinians will be in  the first line of this revolution  that will form a Palestinian workers state from the river to the sea where the Israeli Jews that will accept it will be granted equal civil rights but not the right to create another separate state. The. section of the Jewish workers that will split from the Zionist movement  like after the Russian revolution, will be part of the new ruling class in the transitional period until socialism and communism -classless society.

joan f rodriguez, san mateo, ca usa, please let there be peace

Diana Neslen, Ilford United Kingdom

Bonnie Walker, Portland, Oregon, USA

Craig Berman, Kampala, Uganda

Michael J Fitzgerald, Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA, Head Rower, Chalet Hill Gardens

Jeffrey Monheit, Fresh Meadows, NY, USA

Naomi Woodspring, UK, PSC

David Landy, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

David Evans, Rochester

Sylvia Laale, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, FAHB-fully alive human being, If we Jews have the right to show up and be citizens in Israel,then it is only just and fair that Palestinians have that right.

We Canadians have always welcomed refugees from places, on occasion, we had not even heard of before violence and genocide drove people from those places to our beautiful shores. This world is big enough to house all our peoples; our hearts need to be big enough to welcome them ‘home’ and then learn how to live in peace and comfort with them.

Linea Johansen, Denmark, Social-and helthcare helper, I wish the palestian to come home

Daniel Fernandes, Curitiba, PR, Brazil, Grandson of a brazilian soldier that helped to fought Hitler

Nadia Warrayat, Washington D.C.

Marco Ramazzotti Stockel, Roma, Dr, ECO, Ebrei contro l’Occupazione, I am an Italian Jew, I am not a Zionist, I support the Palestinian Right of Return

Anna Farkas, Rome, Italy, Member, U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice – Rome

Yael Korin, Culver City, California, USA, Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid, Southern California

Deborah Fink, UK, Deborah Fink, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods

Hilde Kristin Ellingsund, Norway

John Spritzler, United States, Editor, http://www.NewDemocracyWorld.org, My ancestors are Jewish; I do not identify as Jewish myself, however.

Adam Balsam, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Member of Independant Jewish Voices Canada

Maggie bagon, Florence Oregon US, Social activist humanrights advocate, We must treat all Palestinians with respect and stop the persecution and bigotry, this is their land too!

Jeff Neff, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Human rights activist

Dr. Susan Curtiss, Los Angeles, Professor, UCLA

Kathy Wazana, Toronto, Documentary Filmmaker. Director, They Were Promised the Sea

Boris Hammerschlag‏, Israel/Occupied Palestine, Member of the Internationalist Socialist League, grandson of holocaust survivors and victims (Dachau), Friend me on Facebook for discussions, visit my favorite website http://www.the-isleague.com

Peter Melvyn, Vienna, Austria, Critical Jewish Voice

Samir Twair, L.A., CA., USA, Journalist, activist, This is the best solution for the Palestinian Cause. And it is the best solution for the Israelis if they want to save themselves and world peace.

Israel can’t survive as an Apartheid state any longer. Once the Arab revolutions and the Arab Spring have started two years ago, Israel Apartheid state has no place among Arab democracies.

To be a Jewish State and democratic can’t go together. Either you are a religious state like Iran or a democratic state like the USA.

Paola Canarutto, Italy

Alice Graner, Mpls, MN, Support the cause


Rachel Rubin, Chicago, IL, USA

John A Imani, Los Angeles, CA, RAC-LA

Susan Daum, New York,NY, M.D.

Larry Lawson, Tignish, PEI, Canada, I wonder what Americans – or my Canadians, for that matter – would think if the State of Israel had been set up in the middle of the US or Canada and they’d behaved towards us as they have to the Palestinians.

Shaina Greiff, London, UK, Researcher and writer

Eli Marcus, Occupied Palestine, Organization, Internationalist Socialist League

Moran Barir, Jerusalem, Israel, Human Rights Activist

Ernest Rodker, London./on jfjfp contact list

Michael Ryan, Lacoste, France

Walter Daum, New York, NY, USA, League for the Revolutionary Party

Guy St Hialie, Canada, I support the right of return for the Palestinian people.I would also like to state that there should be one state for all,Jewish people,Muslim people ,Christian people and all the other religious organizations,living together in Peace,as it was before 1948.

The new state should be called the Palestine! The people of Israel that live there today would regain respect from the world at large .

David Bragin, United States, Political Activist

pauline laurance, how can we as jews not listen when others are oppressed?

Chuck Scurich, Oakland, CA, United States

Rhona Wyer, Upper Bangor, Bangor & Abglesey Peace & Justice Group, The land is area where anyone should have permission to live and equal rights to do so regardless of race or religion as long as they agree to live in a democratic secular state with equal rights recognised by all then there should be no problem.

The state is a democratic entity in which religion has no place, this should be a matter between wo(man) and their god.

Lily van den Bergh, Amsterdam, Documentary filmmaker & organiser ‘ Women in Black ‘ The Netherlands

Ihsan Ghadieh, mi,usa.

Stephen Landau, White Plains, NY, USA, Translator and Publisher, Equal rights and respect for the dignity of Palestinean men, women and children are sine quibus non for the peace.

Sarah Ebady

H. Kelly Taylor, University City, Mo. USA.

Liz Elkind, Scotland

Langlois Dominique, Belgium (Hainaut)

Heidi Grunebaum, Cape Town, South Africa

Mehrnaz Shahabi, Bristol, UKs

FedericoHomestead, Fl. USA, Economist

Samar Barakat, London

Aaron, London, no organisational endorsement

mariyam mulla, londons Mulla

Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, autor and journalist, Germany, Palestinian right of Return an one State foe all ethnics, no apartheid jewish State anymore, For a free State for all ethnics, stop the jewish apartheid! Palestine must be free from the jordan until….

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